"Jamie Giellis Denver: Jamie Giellis is running for Mayor of Denver. Jamie Giellis is throwing poor Michael Henock, Denver City Council, Arts and Venues (Sneaky). If it wasn’t for Mayor Michael Hancock, his Government, City council At large. Jamie Giellis Would not have the Face of a Rino"."

Jamie Licko-Giellis - "Jamie Giellis" - "Jamie for Denver" ...what do you know about "Harms Reduction"? Since, 2011 ... Well, since we shared the same side of street, alley, and was connected to a group of building from 7th to 6th avenue. We had to clean up needles, and another drug paraphernalia, left behind by those looking for free needle exchange. I has seen them share the same needle. No reason to call cops, it takes them to long to arrive. Sine in 2011 crime was on the rise.

In fact, it was learned that a month before the women owned business bought the building, in September 2011. In August 2011, there was a gun battle that came out of Joe's Buffet, and bullets riddled the building, and galleries, shattering windows. It was then it was decided that Rino would be the new hot spot.  

Jamie Giellis, there were many families, dreams, and hard work, and lifesaving. Were ruined by the lack of integrity, and allegiance to those who tried to build up the Arts District on Santa Fe. My promise to those is to restore the integrity back to the Arts District on Santa Fe. And that was destroyed by the promises by the arts and venues, and the city council of Denver. And other departments, and the Mayor of Denver. There were some real problems with he way some folks took advantage of a woman’s owned business. And her $300,000-dollar investment, and the promises that after the Arts District on Santa Fe to make it official ADSF is a 501(c), nonprofit membership organization Certified Creative Districts in the state; before @rinoart.

Since there is no true Integrity within the Network City and County of Denver’s Government. And a quick, let come people know what is going on, pulling away from others. And rolling up all the promises and Money. And moving to the new unknown, household name the Rino Art District, and Jamie “Hotdog” Giellis. All these people use other people’s money, connections, and sneak up from behind at the last minute. And say “I want to run for Mayor, like I have run Rino District.

There is a long list of pissed off people, who you all took advantage of and you should have all gone to jail. And one thing for sure, many of you are in the cross hairs of some Federal Investigations. Sources close to the ears; on the streets of Denver, Colorado.

We have decided not to use our Ace in the Hole. And use the voters instead, the 300,000 voters have watched you all get rich, while they lose property values, their business, and people getting shot in front of their businesses, homes, in their neighborhoods. While you all keep enabling those who are using up all our city coffers. So, you all can tell Denver Voters. You all know what's best for Denver citizens. Denver voters say HELL NO!

Some while you all. put All of those citizens’ profits in your pockets. Your politicians’ pockets, Special Interests pockets, that allows. To allow this 55 year monopoly to destroy denver any longer.  People Like Jamie Giellis, who has absolutely no idea. What the hell is really going on in the 10 other Council District in the city and county of Denver, Colorado.

Jamie Giellis, and her Kleptocrat friends, gave everything to a Giellis. Who just seemed to come out of nowhere. With a Face like a Rino. Knowing she helped destroy others’ lives. To climb the tallest building in the River North Art District and scream from the top of her lungs "Look What I Have Done All By Myself. Somebody Stop me. I'm Running for mayor of Denver in 2018 to be the first woman mayor, and a face like a Rino!" "What, What!!!

The people outside Jamie's small world. While everyone, (Her contacts, friends, associates, arts and venues, some of Michael Hancock’s departments, undermining. Denver Mayor Michael Hancock 2019.

It’s just pathetic, to say the least.  When it was Michael Hancock, who was told not to do it, and give the promised funds to Arts District on Sana Fe. But Michael Hancock. Gave it to Rino Art, and now they think they are smarter than everyone. Not this time Rino! Not this time! ....

Published Nov 13, 2018 9:42 AM by Marcus Giavanni | GP7A News | Denver | 2019 Jamie Giellis | Denver Mayor 2019 | Jamie Giellis Mayor of Denver | 2019 Mayor of Denver Michael Hancock | Challenger | 2015 2nd Place Denver Mayoral Opponent Winner Marcus Giavanni | #2019 | @jamiefordenver | #jamiefordenver | @rinoart | #rinoart | Money vs Citizen Candidates | Nonpartisan vs Kleptocracy | Ignorance vs Knowledge |  Credibility Relevance Wisdom vs Hancock Tate Calderon Giellis | Social Credit System | Denver Democracy | City and County of Denver Recategorization | FYI-CYASSes | The World's Biggest Ignored Asset | Learning Curve | Denver is at 10-year Record High violent Crimes 

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Jamie Giellis "Licko": Jamie Giellis - Centro - Jamie Giellis Mayor -Jamie for Denver - @JamieforDenver - @RiNo - #Denver - #colorado

Jamie Giellis Licko - Jamie Giellis of Centro Inc. Should Jamie Giellis run for Mayor? Does "Jamie Giellis Denver" think, Jamie! "Rino Art" residents, and business owners, think you are stabing them in the back. And the new "Stocking Horse" ... "Rino Art District" will fall thorugh the cracks, and they see more that art that cover the walls in "Council Dictrict 9". Some of these folks say "Jamie just can't walk away, from promises she made years ago. Just like all the other, quick movers, looking for political power".

I belive these concerned citizens, and business owners. Now see, how scap and build works in Denver. No Jamie Giellis" you just can't just walk away for the "River North Art District". And as Mayor, you will have to help all the other 10 council districts. Does @jamiefordenver, know #jamiefordenver, or should @mayorhancock and #mayorhancock, does, "Penfield Tate for Denver", @tatefordenver. Who is"Lisa Calderon, find her at @lisa4denver.Did you hear about #twitter, #youtube. "Next Mayor of Denver".        - People for a More Pragmatic Government; Marcus Giavanni For Denver Mayor 2019 

Jamie Giellis Denver: "Jamie Giellis" for Denver Mayor in 2019 - "#jamiegiellisfordenver" - #denvermayor - #jamiegiellis4denver - #jamie4denver - "#twitter" | "#youtube" | "#googleonboard" | #mayor2019

Jamie Giellis Denver: "Jamie Licko-Giellis" - Request For Interview - Marcus Giavanni Show - "Independent Talk 1100 KFNX" - Sunday - Nights - 7:00 PM - Phoenix, Arizona - AM Dial 1100 AM - Streaming - Live - Go To - 1100KFNX.COM - Then Click on The Listen Now Button 

"Jamie Licko-Giellis" - Denver: Jamie Giellis - Request For Interview on Marcus Giavanni Show on "Independent Talk 1100 KFNX". Live every Sunday Night @ 7:00 PM in Phoenix, Arizona. In your car go to your AM Dial; set it to 1100 AM. On your"Smart Device for Streaming Live. Go to 1100KFNX.COM - Then Click on The Listen Live Button

"Jamie Giellis" we will be sending you a request for Interview. For the "Marcus Giavanni Show", hosted by "Marcus Giavanni", and co-host "Josh Chernila" the son of the late great "Lenny "Professor" Chernila" who passed away in April 2015. (RIP Professor)

We will let you all know if "Jamie Giellis for Denver" Mayor for 2019 Denver Mayoral Race". Accepts our invitation to be intervied live! - Marcus Giavanni

Published: Dec 9, 2019 6:19 AM by Marcus Giavanni | GP7A News | "Jamie Licko-Giellis" | Request For Interview | Marcus Giavanni Show - "Independent Talk 1100 KFNX" | Sunday - Nights | Time 7:00 PM | Where Phoenix, Arizona | Terestrial Radio AM Dial 1100 AM - Streaming Radio - Go Live - Go To - 1100KFNX.COM - Then Click on The Listen Live Button | Host Marcus Giavanni and Co-host Josh Chernila (Lenny "The Professor" Chernila, RIP April 2015)

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Jamie Giellis for Denver: #jamiegiellisfordenver

Published Dec 31, 2018 3:13 AM | Updated 7:01 Am by Marcus Giavanni | GP7A News | "Jamie Giellis for Denver"| "#jamiegiellisfordenver" | @#jamiegiellisfordenver | #jamiegiellis | #tatefordenver | #lisa4denver, "Who will be the Next mayor of Denver" | "Will be Marcus Giavanni" | @mgiavanni | "Denver Mayor Michael Hanock will lose in 2019"

Jamie Giellis: "Jamie Giellis for Denver" - "Jamie Giellis 4 Denver" - - Does "#jamiegiellisfordenver"  really have a chance to be #mayor". Should #jamiegiellis4denver, soon to be #jamiegiellis. And will Tate to #tatefordenver and #lisa4denver keep asking the question... "Who will be the Next mayor of Denver" and the answer "Will be Marcus Giavanni". Known for "@mgiavanni on "Twitter. And "Denver Mayor Michael Hancock will lose in the 2019 Denver Mayoral Election"."

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Let me ask you Jaime how much money have you lost opening businesses, after the city promised an Arts District on Santa Fe. And others, the money, a proclamation, you stole from another Arts District. To open the Rino Art District. Denver Voters, and local business, and the neighborhoods the support. They want no part of Lisa Giellis, and her face of a Rino. Go back, and finish what others started. 

As the new Denver Mayoral elect. I, Marcus Giavanni promises, we all together will become the "Arts District on Sant Fe" bigger than life. We have a platform called the "SantaFeArtsDistrict.Com". What many people don’t understand. But many of these nonprofits 501 3, 4, (C), etc. Theya re all being indexed by the Government. Remember, Social Credit System! These Organazations have lost much of their Credibility Relevance Wisdom. And after the election on Tuesday, May 7, 2018. You will see just how much. It will cost you all, in the world of the Social Credit System - Marcus Giavanni

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"Denver Colorado Trademark for City and County of Denver LLC is "City and County of Denver" by Marcus Giavanni with "City and County of Denver" trademark"."

GP7A News about City and County of Denver LLC Trademark City and County of Denver. CityandCountyofDenver.Net is located at 730 17th Street Denver Colorado Suite #900 the historic registered "Equitable Building" known as the "EB" on Stout Street.

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Denver Colorado Trademark: City and County of Denver LLC the Trademark "City and County of Denver" http://www.cityandcountyofdenver.net Published Mar 23, 2019 5:39 AM by Marcus Giavanni | GP7A News | About "City and County of Denver LLC Trademark City and County of Denver"      "CityandCountyofDenver.Net" | 730 17th Street Denver Colorado Suite #900 | "Equitable Building" | Credibility Relevance Wisdom | #cityofdenver #mayorhancock | #hancockfordenver | @cityofdenver | @mayorhancock | @hancockfordenver | @tatefordenver | @jamiefordenver | @lisa4denver